Do you know the specific drivers that motivate you on a consistent basis?
The meanings we attach to our use of vehicles, such as money, relationships, position and spirituality, give us greater certainty, significance, variety, connection, growth and contribution and determine our level of fulfillment. All human behavior is driven by the pursuit to fulfill one or more of the Six Human Needs. When an event occurs in our lives, our perceptions create the meaning of the event. Quality of life comes down to the quality of the emotions we experience, as well as the vehicles we choose. When you know which of the human needs you are trying to meet in challenging circumstances, you can choose the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to overcome any adversity. Motivation is an emotion! Unleash the power within and thrive on purpose. Gain endless motivation, even on a Monday morning.
Take the 5-minute- Six Human Needs quiz and uncover which of your needs that you filter life through. |